Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Breastfeeding advocates

Nov 27, 2006
Isang Comment sa Blog (last year):

I am delighted to hear that the Filipinos had taken on a tough stand against the companies that sells to new mothers breastmilk substitutes such as the formula feeds who are only there to line up their pockets at the expense of the family, the community and the country.The Filipino children deserves the best milk for their growth and development which can be obtained freely from mother's milk.Keep it up because the population will remain healthy and more productive and will help lift up the country's economy through savings generated by not having to buy formula feeds.

There are just so much benefits in breastfeeding for the child, the new mother and the family, community and the country because I was so passionate about this issue. I could talk about various reasons why families would like to breasfeed their newborn baby exclusively for six months then gradual introduction to solid foods whilst continuing to breastfeed up to two years and beyond. I am so passionate about this topic as I go through the process of learning and in my own clinical practice.I have been initially certified as an International Lactation Consultant since 1996 here in Sydney,Australia.

I would be happy to help out our people in the best way I can if I am given the opportunity to serve our people .

Cynthia Pascual Duran BSN.RN.CM.IBCLC can be contacted via my Email on
Posted by cynthia | 4:49 AM / Nov 27, '06